
Let’s talk about emergant gameplay. Go on, I know you want to, whether it’s the little flick of the analog stick in the correct direction of the action in Farenheit (which is ace, everyone should buy right now) or the pseudo p2p vial social network in the multiplayer of Xbox Far Cry: Instincts there seems to be a more haptic understanding of what it feels like to be represented somewhere else (in a virtual world that is) going around these days. All of this is of course culminated by the big N, Nintendo with their DS handheld and the Revolution controller, the video of which (linked right there! just now!) you should watch straight away before doing anythi…

But now word reaches me that Neverball the good looking and fun to play Super Monkey Ball style cross platform game has a patch to support the hdaps driver. This may not seem very exciting to you at all but the the hdaps it mentions is the sudden motion sensor in the hard drive of the IBM and Apple laptops. Yes indeed. So you’re playing this super monkey ball like game about balance by tilting your laptop to match the game, just the same way that you unconciously lean into a corner while drifiting on Outrun 2 (admit it, we’ve all seen you). We are living in the future my friends, just imagine We Love Katamari working like this.